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Our technique has a wide application. In this section you will find an overview of the most typical tasks challenging us.

  1. Blast furnace hearth and hearth-bottom diagnostics

    Inspection is carried out either from the operating platform of the furnace house or from the operating platform by means of an ultrasonic test device attached at three, four, or more points along the furnace perimeter at several different angles*.

    The measurement data is stored in the memory of the device and sent to a server to be processed using a special software product developed by Technoconsulting experts. The results are then sent via e-mail to a customer together with the experts’ advice. The result data is provided in the form of several vertical and horizontal sectional drawings**.

    * Number of inspection points and inspection pace are chosen by our experts on the basis of sufficiency.

    ** Number of drawings is to be agreed on with a customer. In case of regular inspection of the same furnace the previous sideviews are included.

    Условный пример отчета.

    Example of result data presentation.

  2. Residual liquid product discharge

    The amount, maximum level, and low point of liquid products, as well as optimum taphole tilt for more efficient discharge are given in the test report.

    Moreover, our experts are qualified to arrange the liquid product discharge procedure.

    Example of result data presentation. Furnace profile with 87—92% of accuracy.

    Example of result data presentation. Furnace profile with 87—92% of accuracy.

  3. Taphole inspection

    Inspection of a blast furnace taphole is carried out from the operating platform in the area of the taphole. As the result of inspection followed by the data processing, a customer gets a report with possible taphole damage analysis, i.e. cracks, gas passages, discontinuity flaws etc.

    Example of result data presentation. Vertical sectional view of a blast furnace.

    Example of result data presentation. Vertical sectional view of a blast furnace.

  4. Stack diagnostics

    Inspection of a stack is carried out from the operating platforms located at different levels with inspection pace no less than 0.5 m along the furnace diameter. The result data is stored and processed in the same way. The results help determine the stack profile, as well as degree of incrustation, its parameters and position.

    Example of result data presentation. Stack profile. Blast furnace #8 of ММK.

    Example of result data presentation. Stack profile. Blast furnace #8 of ММK.

  5. Sampling before starting-up of a blast furnace after emergency stop without liquid product discharge

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80 Lenin Str., Magnitogorsk

+7 (3519) 49-69-79